The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Whoosh! epistle

To all Friends in Britain, We are 57 Quakers who have gathered at Woodbrooke for the Quaker Life threshing event ‘Whoosh!’  – united by our determination to energise the Religious Society of Friends in Britain, and to help it build on the vitality of the past and present to create fresh fizz and purpose for…


Public health and Quakerism

Public health and Quakerism: Health and wellbeing: the 21st century agenda  By Andrew Williams  Public health has been defined as: ‘the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting physical health and efficiency through organised community efforts … and the development of social machinery which will ensure to every individual in the community…


Quakers in our time

 by Simon Latham I was interested to discover that the topic of discussion on Melvyn Bragg’s Radio 4 programme ‘In Our Time’ on 05/04/2012 was about early Friends and the emergence of Quakerism in the mid-seventeenth century. As someone when, if asked, identifies as a Quaker, although I am unable to attend Quaker Meetings as…


EAPPI receives Church of England support

The Church of England synod has passed a resolution affirming its support for “Israelis and Palestinians in all organisations working for justice and peace.” The resolution was brought to the synod by private member John Dinnen and was subject to three votes. Twenty-one bishops backed the motion, three voted against, with 14 abstentions; clergy voted…

Drew standing with his backpack on next to an open window


by Drew Miller Crouching near the gravel, I brush away rocks to pull weeds. A long flight has brought me from America to Geneva to a tiny French village called Versonnex, and I find myself amongst rocks, dirt, and vegetables. I am not on a royal or priestly or magical journey, just a journey to…

Two paths to choose from in a forest in the Peak District, England.

The paths of peace

The better angels of our nature by Stephen Pinker. Review by Stephen Cox This is a big book, addressing an enormous set of questions.  Is war and violence inevitable?  Is there a human nature and if there is, are we trapped by it?  Has the bloody twentieth century shown that progress is a mirage? Pinker…


Quakers for Equal Marriage

Paul Parker, recording clerk of Quakers in Britain, was interviewed on the Today programme on BBC Radio 4 on Wednesday 04/07 2012 about equal marriage. Here is what he said: “Quakers have been talking about issues about sexuality for decades. In 2009 we heard stories from same sex couples and opposite sex couples talking about…

Two real Quakers

by Valerie Graves I joined Friends with my husband in the 1960s. I had been a rather lukewarm Anglican and he was fleeing from the rigours of a very stern Baptist Church – everything nice was forbidden and there was no rejoicing in anything. We had been much impressed by a publication called Quaker View…


Quaker pilgrim worships with Congenies Friends

Quaker pilgrim Ken Schroeder joined local Friends for meeting for worship on Saturday in Congenies, in southern France, having arrived in the village the day before on pilgrimage from Portugal to Egypt. Ken set off on his walk from Porta legre in Portugal in 11/2012. He is walking to promote peace in the Middle East…

Nayler podcast #14

This is the 14th Nayler podcast. There’s a round-up from Britain Yearly Meeting that took place in 05/2012, plus an interview with Jess Metheringham, organiser of an event for politically-engaged Young Friends. And the podcast starts out with an interview with Ken Schroeder who is on a pilgrimage from Portugal to Egypt. Click here to…