The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Advices & Queries: your stories

“Take heed, dear Friends, to the promptings of love and truth in your hearts. Trust them as the leadings of God whose Light shows us our darkness and brings us to new life.” At Nayler, we want to publish your stories about Britain Yearly Meeting’s Advices & Queries. Write about how a particular section has…

Jez Smith in the desert with footprints in the sand behind him.

Why? How? Jez Smith

Why I am a Quaker, how I am a Quaker by Jez Smith It is a balmy summers day and a gentle breeze is blowing outside. The windows to the Meeting house are open and the faint hum of traffic can be heard. An occasional plane passes overhead. A blackbird is singing nearby. I have my…

Quakers speak out on same-sex marriage

Helen Drewery, general secretary of Quaker Peace & Social Witness, was quoted on Channel 4 news as part of a segment about whether Britain is ready for same-sex marriage. Here is the excerpt: C4: Civil partnerships will soon be allowed in consenting places of worship and consideration will be given by the government as to…

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Geoffrey Durham interview

“Then I found myself staring at this Quaker poster in a traffic jam every day for three weeks: ‘Peace is a process to be engaged in, not a state to be reached’. It started to bore into my head, but i was very, very disinclined to talk to anyone who would want to convert me.…

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Why? How? Leo Vincent

Why I am a Quaker, how I am a Quaker by Leo Vincent How is a much easier question to answer than why. How am I a Quaker? I am a Quaker because I go to meeting to worship, am an elder and an overseer and because I take part in roles for Britain Yearly…

Light upon a chair

Naked Quakers exposed

An article by Justin Meggitt in the January 2011 edition of the Fortean Times examines the actions Quakers took in their early apocalyptic ministry. The article includes a ‘side panel’ on James Nayler.

Symon Hill stands at a lectern

Why? How? Symon Hill

Why I am a Quaker, how I am a Quaker   by Symon Hill As a Quaker, I start with experience.  How we experience the world is so affected by our own culture and context that it can  seem impossible to look beyond them. And yet spirituality at its best aims to do just that,…

Newcastle Quakers

Newcastle Quakers take door with them

Quakers in Newcastle are moving out of their Meeting House and into an old masonic hall, but they’re taking their front door with them, the city’s Evening Chronicle has reported. Despite having up to 90 people attending Meeting for Worship, Quakers in Newcastle decided that their Meeting House was too large and have bought the…

2009 – The Presence in the Midst

The 2009 Swarthmore Lecture, The presence in the midst: reflections on discernment, by Peter Eccles. Reviewed by Anna Sharman. Anna Sharman reviews the book of the 2009 Swarthmore Lecture, The Presence in the Midst: reflections on discernment, by Peter Eccles This is a book about discernment, how we use the experience of God as a…