The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Quakers back Israeli settlement goods boycott

Britain Yearly Meeting has decided to back a boycott of illegal Israeli settlement goods. The decision was made at Meeting for Sufferings, a representative body of Quakers in Britain, at its meeting on Saturday 02/04/2011. “People matter more than territory” says the minute from the Meeting on Saturday. “We pray fervently for both Israelis and Palestinians,…

Quakers on the march under the Quakers for Justice banner

Demonstrating the alternative

…on a carpet of shimmering police epaulettes Ian Chamberlain writes about his experiences in London on Saturday 26/03/2011. I started the day with a group of people who practise anarchist principles everyday. We met at 11am in a plain old building just off the Strand in Westminster. As we drank our pre-march coffees with curdled…

Symon Hill crouched by a sign for Pilgrim Street

The walk of repentance

  An interview by Jay Clark This June, Symon Hill will undertake a walk of repentance for homophobia, walking from Birmingham to London and arriving on Friday 01/07/2011, the day before London Pride. He will be speaking at churches on the way, and passing through every town and city in which he has lived for…

Two rings with the word equality on each

Same-sex partnership consultation opens

The UK government has set out detailed proposals enabling civil partnerships to be registered at religious premises of faith groups who wish to host them. They have also opened a consultation on the subject with the deadline of 23/06/2011. The proposals are occurring as part of the implementation of the 2010 Equality Act. Section 202…

Numbers on a grid

Present and Prevented

Present and Prevented – Summary Report 2006-2010 A synopsis by John Hall of the report by Bill Chadkirk and Ben Pink Dandelion In May 2006, 2008 and 2010, Quaker meetings across Britain took part in a series of surveys. This is a synopsis of the final, eleven-page, 10/2010 summary report on them all. The authors…

People gathered for Meeting for Worship with banners

On seeking justice

Notes and observations from the day of the March for the Alternative by Jez Smith For passers-by it was an unusual sight. A crowd of over a hundred people were standing on the pavement and spilled out onto the road outside 52 St Martins Lane, London WC2N. A police helicopter hovered overhead and not long…

A tall tower with older buildings in the foreground in Tripoli, Libya.

Quaker statements on Libya

Quakers in Britain and the US have made public statements highlighting their concerns about the violence in Libya. While Quakers in Britain have written an open letter to the UK prime minister, American Friends Service Committee has made a statement making demands of the Libyan government, coalition forces, the United Nations, the African Union, and…

Upgrade for Friends House

Quakers in Britain have announced that Friends House is to undergo a major upgrading programme in the name of sustainability. The trustees of Britain Yearly Meeting have announced that the principal reason for the works, a major property in central London, is as a part of their Quakers in Britain’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions…

The book Prophets and Reconcilers by Wolf Mendl

1974 – Prophets and Reconcilers

The 1974 Swarthmore Lecture by Wolf Mendl. Reviewed by Owen Everett. Wolf Mendl was not a typical Quaker. He certainly wasn’t a woolly-liberal; he was a pragmatist. As Reader in War Studies at King’s College, London, he possessed a knowledge of warfare and international relations and all their complexities that most Friends lack. This comes…

A well-worn copy of Quaker Faith & Practice lying on a table

Quakers unite against cuts

Quakers from across Britain will be joining together for worship before the national demonstration against the cuts on Saturday 26/03/2011. The protest will take place in central London and Quakers are gathering at Westminster for Meeting for Worship ahead of the gathering. Ruth Tod, one of the Quakers who plans to attend said: “How we…