Why? How? John Southern

How I became a Quaker. My parents were Quakers and I was enrolled as a “birthright Friend”. They sent me to a Quaker school at aged 10, principally to avoid the blitz in 1940-41. We had daily Assembly and compulsory attendance at Meeting for Worship on Sundays. I joined a small group of pupils to…

Conceptual image of justice

1950 – Justice and the Law of Love

The 1950 Swarthmore Lecture by Konrad Braun, reviewed by John Hall Written by a former Berlin Supreme Court judge who escaped from the Nazis and became a subsequent convert to Quakerism and a lecturer at Woodbrooke, potentially this is an ideal read, written as it was, only five years after the end of the war…

Nayler Podcast #11

The eleventh Nayler podcast is Simon Best’s George Gorman Memorial Lecture given at Yearly Meeting Gathering in Canterbury, Kent in 07/2011. Click here to access the podcast. Nayler podcasts are also available on itunes (Nayler’s posterous).

The inside of the meeting room at Westminster Friends Meeting House

The Friends Meeting House

By Michael Jardine  The Friends Meeting House by Hubert Lidbetter (William Sessions Ltd, 1961, 2nd Ed. 1979). This book is concerned with the history and descriptions of Meeting Houses and burial grounds, and covers the British Isles and the United States, but principallyEngland.  Its author was the architect responsible for the post-Blitz reconstruction of the…

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

The challenge for Quakerism

Materials to complement the Friends Quarterly article by Simon Best will appear within the next couple of days. Simon gave the George Gorman lecture at Britain Yearly Meeting in 07/2011. Quakerism has a tradition of continuing revelation, of evolving expression, theology and practice to respond to the challenges of the age. What does this mean for…

Quaker worship in London. Photo: Jez Smith

Quakers back Occupy ring of prayer

The Quaker Meeting for Worship at Occupy LSX outside the cathedral of saint Paul has produced a minute backing the “ring of prayer” if the Occupy camp is evicted. The ring of prayer was first mooted in 10/2011 but an initiative this month from Christianity Uncut, a group of Christians campaigning against government cuts, gives…

Rebecca Taylor: Quaker MEP

A Quaker is set to become a Member of European Parliament in 02/2012. Rebecca Taylor, 36, was in ‘list place 3’ at the last European Parliament elections for the Yorkshire and Humberside region. The first candidate, Diana Wallis, was elected but has recently announced that she is stepping down for health reasons at the end of 01/2012.…