For me it is about creating heaven here

 “For us it is about creating heaven here… not about an insurance policy to make it better in the next life”, says Marigold Bentley, speaking about being a Quaker on Being a Quaker “give me access to be surrounded by radical thinkers and radical activists.” Many years ago Marigold Bentley went to work in…

North South, South North

By Sophie Bowman Two months ago I went to North Korea. Well, as much as is physically possible for a foreign person in South Korea. I went and visited the demilitarised zone and Panmunjom, crossing into North Korea within the confines of one of the blue meeting rooms that straddles the border in the Joint…

The Nayler logo in white text on a grey background

Quakers address British queen

Quakers in Britain addressed the queen today as part of her diamond jubilee events. Here is the full text: Loyal Address to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on behalf of the Religious Society of Friends in Britain (Quakers) on the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee “May it please The Queen As representatives of the Religious…

Two rings with the word equality on each

Quakers welcome equal marriage consultation

Representatives from Quakers in Britain, Liberal Judaism and the Unitarian and Free Christian Churches welcomed the announcement last week of the government consultation to consider how to make civil marriage available to same-sex couples. Quakers in Britain, Unitarians and Liberal Judaism have long campaigned for equality in marriage because of their deeply held beliefs in…

Two push lights against a dark background

Pushing sometimes

by Stephen Cox A review of Pushing at the frontiers of change: A memoir of Quaker involvement with homosexuality by David Blamires and published by Quaker Books David writes that “it is a little odd being a historian of your own life…”  This book sets out how Quakers moved from having little particularly interesting to…

A butterfly entering into the world. Photo: Michelle Bartsch/flickr CC

1948 – The Clash of Loyalties

The 1948 Lecture by Edmond Privat, reviewed by John Hall: The Swarthmore Lecture that wasn’t The 1948 Yearly Meeting was held for the first time in Scotland: in Edinburgh.  The Swarthmore Lecture was to be given by the Swiss Quaker, Edmond Privat (1889-1962) who was an ardent pacifist, human-rights activist, writer and journalist.  He was…

The separation barrier at Bethlehem. Photo: Andrew E Larsen/flickr CC

Breaking the Silence wins song award

An Ecumenical Accompanier has won a prestigious music award for a song about the situation in Palestine and Israel. Penny Stone took part in the Ecumenical Accompanier Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI) in 2010 and from her experience the song “Breaking the Silence” was written and won the Alistair Hulett Memorial Trust Song Competition.…

Christians outside saint Paul's cathedral

Christians seek answers from cathedral authorities

Five Christians, who were forcibly removed from the steps of saint Paul’s cathedral in London as they prayed during the eviction of the Occupy London camp, have today delivered a letter to the canon pastor of the cathedral, Michael Colclough. In the letter they ask the cathedral authorities to clarify whether they gave the police…